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Dividing A Shared Life Is Never Easy, A Divorce Lawyer Can Help

Making the decision to get a divorce is never easy. But once you have done so, you are choosing to take the first step toward a brighter future for yourself and your children. It may not seem that way initially, but with the right attorney, you can navigate this process with the support and guidance you need to feel empowered and encouraged to take control of your situation.

At Bastarrika, Soto, Gonzalez & Somohano, L.L.P., serving Passaic County, Bergen County and the surrounding communities, our family law lawyers are highly qualified to help you work through your divorce, no matter how complex it may seem. We are committed to helping you obtain the outcome you deserve in a cost-effective manner. We do this by efficiently prioritizing your needs and goals so we can make the process as economically feasible as possible.

Here are a few of the questions our divorce lawyers often see:

How Long Does A Divorce Take In New Jersey?

How long your divorce will take depends on if you file for a contested or uncontested divorce. An uncontested divorce, where you and your spouse agree on the key terms such as child custody and property division, can take six to eight weeks. A contested divorce can take ten months to a year to finalize.

Is New Jersey A 50/50 State When It Comes To Divorce?

In New Jersey, courts do not automatically split marital property in equal 50-50 halves between divorcing spouses. Instead, courts follow an equitable distribution model when considering property division in a divorce. Under this model, the court divides property in a way that is fair to both parties.

Should I File For Divorce First In New Jersey?

Filing for divorce first has some benefits but will not have a significant impact on your overall case. For example, the party that files first has the first opportunity to present their version of the case. If you are considering taking the first step and filing for divorce, our attorneys can help guide you through the process.

Your Divorce Is As Unique As Your Marriage

Marriages are complex. Many factors will need to be addressed as you negotiate the many agreements contained in your divorce decree, including alimony and property division. This can seem overwhelming on top of the variety of emotions and financial stress you may be experiencing. It is our job to simplify this process as much as possible so that you can focus on what matters most.

Divorce is personal and we want you to understand that we have your best interests at heart. We create strong, long-lasting relationships with our clients in an effort to build a foundation that is anchored on trust. This is your case and your life, so we are dedicated to giving you the information you need to make smart choices about your situation.

Taking The First Step Toward Your New Future

To learn more about how our divorce attorneys can help you navigate your divorce, schedule a consultation at our Woodland Park office today. To get in touch with us, call 973-370-0997 or send us an email.